"I'm having a ball. Scrapping and yelling and mixing it up. Loving every minute with this damn crew." ~Royal Tenenbaum (The Royal Tenenbaums)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome Maryn Christine!

Another welcome post! Andy and I have another new niece! My sister Janine and brother-in-law Kory's daughter Maryn Christine Snyder was born on August 24th. I was lucky enough to be there for her delivery, which was an amazing experience that I'll never forget. She's absolutely adorable. Caelan and Avery are both in awe of her! Welcome Maryn! We love you so much already!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

the power of nursies

Avery, at 13 months, isn't talking yet, but he surprised me today. He was overtired and wanted to nurse to sleep, but I was trying to delay it for a little while, until Andy was home and could play with Caelan while I got Avery to bed for the night. I tried just cuddling with Avery on the couch, but he burst into tears, started grabbing at my shirt, and cried "Nur! Nur! Nur!" over and over!