Opening presents on his birthday morning...
Sentimental Mommy's required birthday photo shoot...
Lunch with Nana and Grandad...

Feeding a pony with his friend Gracie...
Brushing a llama...
Petting a duck with his brother...
Hanging with Mommy, getting ready to ride a horse...
Horse time!
Tea party with his friend Kailee (they had a little playhouse and playground)...
Time for singing, candles, and cupcakes...
Baby cousins and little brothers are cute...
Last but not least, a hayride!
Believe it or not, we also had a barbecue with family and friends the next day to celebrate some more (both Caelan's birthday and the other exciting things going on in everyone's lives), but a lot of the pictures from that are on other people's cameras, so that will have to be a different entry on a different day!